From its founding, Realms has instilled a deeply felt understanding that great things can be achieved when knowledge and a passion for learning unite. The Realms tradition of teaching challenges all students to participate in their learning. We continually graduate independent-minded students who contribute to and succeed in all walks of life.

Work of this importance requires ongoing support. Gifts to Realms empower us to hire the finest teachers  and offer a range of educational advantages that give the Realms experience its unique edge. Ultimately, gifts to Realms represent not only faith in the work of the school, but also belief in our collective future—one in which our talented students and alumni/ae continue contributing to the world’s well-being.

How You Can Help

Cash Donations and Sustaining Gifts

By enrolling in a recurring monthly gift, Realms can count on a steady stream of ongoing support. As Realms of Inquiry is a 501 (c)(3) not-for-profit organization, your donation is tax deductible to the fullest extent of the law. For additional information, please contact the school at 801-467-5911.

When you shop:


Smith’s Inspiring Donations gives .5% of every eligible purchase by participating members who have linked their Rewards card to Realms. Link your card here. Realms of Inquiry, Organization DI809.