The Dandies performing “Wait for the Moment” by Vulfpeck
At Realms we believe that the arts should be integrated into all aspects of learning as artistic expression can take many forms in the real world. The strong emphasis on individuality and creativity at Realms provides for extensive artistic opportunities. Though many students come to us already well-versed in music, visual arts, and theater, finding other like-minded kids often jump-starts unexpected creative collaborations. This can take the form of shared exploration in courses, teaching other classmates, or structured whole-school projects such as musical or theatrical performances. Students are encouraged to bring art into learning plans in meaningful ways and integrate the creation of art within other areas of their learning. In addition, our yearly international forays provide unmatched opportunities to experience the world’s art forms. Students study and then immerse themselves in the cultures of our host countries as they travel.
Student art featured at our exhibition
Other cultural opportunities at Realms might include field trips to community performances and museums, support for learning foreign languages, cooking and tasting exotic cuisines, and sharing the ethnically diverse traditions within our own community.
Student video project from Vietnam